Day 46 - Scheduling Tasks In Linux

This is the 15th post in the Linux Series and this will about Scheduling Processes in a Linux System. Anyone learning Linux must know how to schedule processes in the Linux as it can be very useful once you start getting better at it and want to schedule processes like backing-up certain files and running a certain process at a certain time etc. There are two ways that I know to schedule processes in Linux, one is at and the other is cron.

Scheduling Process To Run Only Once

The at command is used to run some process at a certain time in the future for only once. at command is a daemon which a background process used to schedule a process.

The at command accepts an argument as a time stamp and then asks for a file or processs to run at that time.

root@User:~$ at 7:00am

The at command accepts following time formats to schedule tasks.

Format Meaning
at noon Runs at noon on the current day
at tomorrow Runs tomorrow from current day
at now + n minutes Runs after n minutes from the current time
at now + n hours Runs after n hours from the current time
at now + n days Runs after n day from the current time
at now + n weeks Runs after n weeks from the current time
at 10:00am Runs at 10:00 AM of the current day
at 10:00pm Runs at 10:00 PM of the current day
at 10:00pm May 15 Runs at 10 PM on May 25
at 10:00pm 05/15/2021 Runs at 10 PM on May 25

Scheduling Process To Run Regularly

The cron daemon (Daemon: a process that runs in the background) is used to schedule task to run on regular basis on a specified time. The cron and crontab are used to manage these tasks.

To shcedule a task using cron you need to edit the crontab (cron table) file with adding or removing the task you want to schedule to run after the time that you specify in the file. The crontab accepts the following syntax.

*   *   *     *     *     User   /lib/command

The five stars are for Minute, Hour, DayOfMonth, MONth, DayOfWeek respectively. You specify Minutes, Hours, DayOfMonth, MONth, DayOfWeek in the place of the stars (asterisks) after which the task should run. The Units to use in place of asterisks are following.

Unit Limit
Minute (M) After 0 to 59 Minutes
Hour (H) After 0 to 23 Hours
Day Of the Month (DOM) After 1 to 31 Days
Month (MON) After 1 to 12
Day Of the Week After 0 to 7 Days

Note: 0 and 7 for DOW both means sunday.

For Example: I want to backup a file after everyday at 10:00AM from monday to friday as a root user I will edit the crontab file like following.

root@User:~$ crontab -e
# After selecting the editor to edit the crontab file
# m h dom mon dow user command
0 10 * * 1-5 root /home/user/backup-script

The 0 and 10 means at 10:00AM, two askterisks next means run them no matter what day of the month or what month it is, 1-5 means first five days of the week from monday to firday as a root user run a script with path /home/user/backup-script.

You can add as many task to schedule in the crontab as you want by adding one line after another in the crontab for one task.
