Day 34 - Navigating Linux Command Line

This is the third post in the Linux Series and this post will be about navigating the command line and getting help for commands etc. I will also write about some basic concepts like arguments and such.

Command Arguments

First we need to learn about the command arguments. An argument is a keyword that you type in front of a command to change the output in some way. A command can accept no argument or one or more than one argument.

Everything you type after the command separated by a space is an argument. For exmaple using cd command to change directory you provide the path or name of the directory to to it to.

Getting help for a command

To get some help about the command in use you type the --help command and press enter. The result will be how the command works and what input or arguments it takes and what the output will be etc.

root@User:/$ cd --help
cd: cd [-L|[-P [-e]] [-@]] [dir]
    Change the shell working directory.

    Change the current directory to DIR.  The default
    DIR is the value of the HOME shell variable.

    The variable CDPATH defines the search path
    for the directory containing DIR. Alternative
    directory names in CDPATH are separated by
    a colon (:). A null directory name is the same
    as the current directory.  If DIR begins
    with a slash (/), then CDPATH is not used.


pwd - Print working directory

It does what its name means, It prints the name of the directory that a user is currently working in.

root@User:/tmp$ pwd

ls - List items in the directory

It prints out the contents of the current directory.

root@User:/$ ls
bin     dev     root    run
mnt     media   tmp     etc
boot    ...     ...     ...

if you type -a argument in front of the ls command it will print out all the files including hidden ones.

root@User:/root$ ls

root@User:/root$ ls -a
.   ..   .viminfo   .profile   .bash_history   .bashrc

cd - Change directory

Command to change the directory.

root@User:/$ pwd
root@User:/$ cd tmp
root@User:/tmp$ pwd
root@User:/tmp$ cd ..
root@User:/$ pwd

It works like this cd name-of-directory. Two dots .. means to go one step up in the filesystem.

A complete path to the directory can also be typed as an argument. example

root@User:/$ pwd
root@User:/$ cd /tmp/some-dir/new-dir
root@User:/tmp/some-dir/new-dir$ pwd

To jump to the home directory of the user just type ~ as the argument to the cd command.

root@User:/tmp/some-dir/new-dir$ pwd
root@User:/tmp/some-dir/new-dir$ cd ~
root@User:/$ pwd

Creating file and directories

Following commands are used to create new files and directories or modify existing files.

mkdir - Make Directory

mkdir is used to make new folders or directories.

root@User:/tmp$ ls

root@User:/tmp$ mkdir new-dir
root@User:/$ ls
root@User:/tmp$ mkdir another-new-dir
root@User:/tmp$ ls
another-new-dir   new-dir

touch - Create new files

touch command create a newfile with the filename as an argument

root@User:/tmp$ ls
root@User:/tmp$ touch new-file
root@User:/tmp$ ls

There is also one command called cat not the animal cat but short form of concatenate that can also create new files and edit them but that command can do much more and I will discuss them more in the next posts.
