Day 05 - Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Today I didn't learn much because I was working most of my time on this Gatsby Blog and only I think learned one thing about a certain keyword in Java that I saw in an Android Project.

What I Learned Today

💻 Programming

  • I saw this @Override keyword on top of a method in a Java Android Project and started searching for what it does and what does it means and found this post on GeeksForGeeks and I started reading the blog post. In the start it meant pretty obvious thing from its name that what it do and anyone with a even little experience with OOP would understand it and as I was reading through the rules and after reading some rules, maybe like six or seven, I closed the tab becasue there were too many rules to read for me right now and I didn't wanted to forget what I just read before.I will be reading this again when I need it in the future.

🗾 Language[日本語]

  • 急行 (きゅうこう) Express Train. The first kanji i think is for hurry and second one is for going.
  • 事務所 (じむしょ) Office. This first kanji is for Matter, second for Task and third for Place.
  • 地下鉄 (ちかてつ) Subway. The first kanji is for Ground, second for Below and i don't know what is third for.
  • 飛行機 (ひこうき) Airplane. First kanji for Fly, second for going and third for I think is Machine or Mechanism.
