Today is the second day of the year and i am trying to find the best React framerwork for this blog and right now thinking of working with GatsbyJS. I haven't worked with GatsbyJS before so this might be a good opportunity to learn it too.
What I Learned Today
💻 Programming
- Learned about Optional Chaining Operator from MDN.
- Learning Gatsby.js from Gatsby Documentation. The Documentation is pretty good and easy to follow and also this crash course by Brad Traversy was very helpful too.
- Convert Javascript Array to JSON format explained in this blog post.
🗾 Language[日本語]
- 動画 (どうが) means Video or moving picture. it is similar to kanji for movie 映画 (えいが) with first kanji being replaced with the kanji for move (動).
- 歯 (は) is the kanji for teeth.
- 磨 (みが、みがく) is the kanji for brush, like brushing your teeth.
- 北海道 (ほっかいどう) Hokkaido is the northeast island of Japan.
- 登 (のぼ, のぼる) means acsend or climb, like climbing a mountain.